Symphonic Services Division Negotiator Job Posting
AFM’s Symphonic Services Division (SSD) is seeking full-time symphonic negotiator to begin at the successful candidate’s earliest availability.
SSD Negotiators assist AFM Locals and Orchestra Committees (OC) in collective bargaining, contract enforcement, and internal organizing in support of bargaining. Negotiators are typically assigned 6-12 months prior to contract expiration and assist or advise with every aspect of preparation for bargaining and active bargaining. Once assigned, a negotiator remains available to the Local and OC during the term of the resultant CBA to advise on matters of enforcement and administration. SSD negotiators report to the AFM International President through the SSD Director.
The base of operations for this position will be the negotiator’s home but the position requires substantial travel and willingness to maintain a flexible schedule. The successful candidate will have excellent interpersonal communication skills and a strong command of language in written and oral communications. Strong organizational skills required to manage multiple complex negotiations simultaneously.
Additional qualifications:
- Substantial experience in collective bargaining as lead negotiator, committee chair, or Local officer
- Extensive familiarity with the symphonic sector and industry standards; experience working as a symphonic musician strongly preferred
- Familiarity with US labor law, particularly as it relates to collective bargaining
- Understanding of the roles and structures of AFM local unions, orchestra committees, symphonic player conferences, and the Federation
- Familiarity with AFM symphonic electronic media agreements and understanding of Federation jurisdiction over electronic media
- Fluency in Microsoft word suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and comfort working with online collaboration software (Google docs, DropBox and the like) and virtual meetings (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Ability to build consensus within a bargaining unit, the representative committee, and the AFM Local leadership
Compensation commensurate with experience and qualifications; excellent benefits package, including health insurance, pension contributions, and paid time off.
To be considered for this position, please submit a resume with cover letter outlining relevant experience and qualifications to Cindy Pellegrino, HR Manager, at, no later than August 31, 2021.
If you have questions about the position, please contact SSD Director/Special Counsel Rochelle Skolnick at or 314-756-3858.