Local: 301 Pekin, IL American Federation of Musicians Loc
301 Pekin, IL American Federation of Musicians Loc
Local #: 301
Jurisdiction Notes:
All of the following counties: Mclean, Dewitt, McDonough, Schuyler, Mason, Manard, Scott, Cass, Brown, Gree, Logan, Champaign, Piatt, Douglas, Moultrie, Coles, Cumberland, Jasper, Vermilion and Effinghem.. All of Shelby County except that portion which is in the jurisdiction of Local 798. All of the following counties in Indiana: Warren, Fountain and Vermillion (except Clinton, which is in the jurisdiction Local 25, Terre Haute, IN). All of Morgan County except Waverly. Also all of Sangaman County except Waverly, Talkington, Aurburn, Thayer, Divemon, Chambersburg, Naples, New Salem, Griggsville, Flint, Pittsfield, Florence, Newburg, Detroint, Martinsburg, Time, Milton, Montezuma, Pleasant Hill, Spring Cree, Nebo and Pear. All of Woodford County except Spring Bay. All of Tazewell County except Fon Du Lac, East Peoria (Radio and TV Station WEEK), Creve Coeur and Highway Village. Also the following in Peoria County: Timber, Glasford, Kingston Mines and Hollis.
PO BOX 3499
PEORIA, IL 61612
Courtney Silver
Pres / Sec