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Country Music Television Agreement

Musicians engaged for programming on Country Music Television (CMT) are paid according to terms in a separately negotiated collective bargaining agreement, which bears some similarities to network television and cable television. 

As with Television Videotape, the rates are determined by the length of the program and consists of an “air rate” plus rehearsal time. Unlike network television, there is only one pattern of rates, rather than changing the rates based on how often the program airs. 

As with the Basic Cable and Pay Cable agreements, the initial payment covers an initial broadcast window, rather than one airing. Under CMT, that initial window is 36 months in length, during which the program may air on 12 different “play dates”. 

This Agreement covers only material produced for CMT by CMT. Live television productions produced for CMT by third parties must use the Basic Cable Agreement. 

All work for CMT is filed on an AFM B-8 Report Form. 

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