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Musicians at the Olney Theatre in Maryland recently signed their first union contract with the 78-year-old theater.

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A federal appeals court unanimously upheld the right of Lancaster Symphony musicians to organize a union—ending a nine-year legal fight.

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We are devastated about the loss of Prince, a member of our union for over 35 years. Prince was not only a talented and innovative musician, but also a true champion of musicians’ rights. Musicians—and fans throughout the world will miss him. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and fans grieving right now.

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Wayne Newton and Jason Michael Paul Productions recently signed contracts and are no longer on AFM’s International Unfair List.

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Musicians now have a new tool to ensure royalty payments are more accurate and paid more quickly.

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Support Fort Worth Musicians

Please sign the open letter calling on Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra management to negotiate a fair contract now—a contract promoting growth, not cuts.

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After months of negotiating, a tentative three-year agreement was reached with public television producers for a new National Public Television (NPTV) contract.

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