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It’s Time for Musicians to Get Their Fair Share

Congress moved a step closer to ending a decades-long injustice against music creators with today’s Senate introduction of the American Music Fairness Act (AMFA). The legislation, sponsored by Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Alex Padilla (D-CA), would require broadcast corporations to pay performance royalties to creators for AM/FM radio plays. An identical bill (HR 4130) […]

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Celebrate Unionism this Labor Day

Labor Day is the day we recognize the spirit, strength, and contributions of working men and women across this nation. For far too long, corporations have attempted to divide and weaken workers by rigging the economy to work for the few, or the one, at the expense of the many. Employers would like to dismantle […]

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AFM Statement on Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

In one of the most stunning reversals in the modern era of the US Supreme Court, a majority of the Court overturned a nearly 50-year precedent in Roe v. Wade and gave states a license to ban abortion. This ruling is an attack on women’s reproductive health and a dangerous setback for fundamental human rights. […]

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Painting Appointed AFM Director of Electronic Media Services

AFM International President Ray Hair has named John K. Painting as AFM Director of the Electronic Media Services Division (EMSD) and Assistant to the President, following the unexpected passing of EMSD Director Pat Varriale in May. “I have immense respect for John and his thorough knowledge of AFM’s media agreements,” says AFM President Ray Hair. […]

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AFM Praises NEA and NEH Pledge to Appoint Chief Diversity Officers

The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) applauds Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson, chair of the National Endowment for the Arts, and Shelly Lowe, chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities on their announcements that Chief Diversity Officers will be created at each agency. The new diversity officers will help […]

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Statement on Gun Violence Tragedies

The International Executive Board of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada issued the following statement regarding the recent gun violence tragedies: “Our emotions are still raw from the senseless mass murders in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York. We grieve with the families of those killed and the communities affected […]

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The AFM Mourns the Loss of EMSD Director Pat Varriale

We are deeply saddened to announce the sudden loss of our esteemed colleague and friend, Pat Varriale, Electronic Media Services Division Director and Assistant to the President, who passed away Friday, May 13. Pat had been a valued member of our team since he was first hired in October 1974 into what was then known […]

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Help Secure Future National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) are critical to the recovery of the arts and entertainment industries. The NEA and NEH support job opportunities for union members in every state, as well as for local economies devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. An NEA study found that the […]

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Introducing the AFM Welcome Video

After much work and collaboration, we pleased to announce the release of “Welcome to the AFM”, a video produced by International Executive Board member Dave Pomeroy with the assistance of International Vice President Bruce Fife, Organizing and Education Director Michael Manley, and Communications Director Antoinette Follett. Created to introduce new members and other interested musicians […]

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AFM Statement on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada profoundly condemns Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war on Ukraine. We express our unwavering solidarity with the brave Ukrainian people and their elected government during this horrific time. We are concerned about the catastrophic humanitarian toll resulting from the barbaric attacks on the civilian population […]

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