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Emergency Assistance

Financial assistance is available for musicians who have suffered major losses as a result of hurricanes or other natural disasters.

To check if your county or parish has been designated as an area eligible for “Individual Disaster Assistance,” visit:

Download the AFM Emergency Relief Fund Application here.
The AFM Emergency Relief Fund assists musicians adversely affected by major disasters such as earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes, wildfires, or tornadoes.  AFM members in good standing who reside in or were employed as a musician in impacted areas designated by FEMA as Federal Disaster Areas for Individual Assistance (or in the case of Canada a provincial state of emergency declaration) and were in good standing at the time of the loss may apply to the AFM Emergency Relief Fund for assistance.

Download the AFM Hurricane Relief Fund Application here.
This fund assists musicians impacted by hurricanes. AFM members in good standing who reside in or were employed as a musician in areas designated by FEMA as Federal Disaster Areas for Individual Assistance and were impacted by a hurricane may apply to the AFM Hurricane Relief Fund for assistance. Any loss must be a loss that is not covered by insurance and must be fully documented when the member makes an application. (The Hurricane Relief Fund is not accepting any new donations, new donations may be made to the AFM Emergency Relief Fund.)