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Live TV & Video Negotiations

The American Federation of Musicians (AFM) is calling on all union members and allies to join the “Rally for a Fair Contract” to support musicians working on live and taped TV shows. The rally will take place on Wednesday, September 4th, from noon to 1:00 PM at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, between 48th & 49th Streets.

Negotiations for the Live TV and Video contract are scheduled to begin on September 4th. The AFM aims to negotiate a contract that truly recognizes the value and contributions of these dedicated individuals, many of whom are involved in iconic shows such as Saturday Night Live, Good Morning America, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

It is essential for us to stand united to secure a fair contract for the thousands of musicians who contribute to various television shows.


What:  Rally for a Fair Contract
When:  Wednesday, September 4th, from noon – 1:00 pm
Negotiations will begin at 1:00 pm
Where:  1221 Avenue of the Americas, between 48th & 49th

Please click here to RSVP your attendance and confirm your t-shirt size.

Let’s stand together for a fair contract for our fellow musicians. United, we can make a difference for these musicians.

We look forward to your participation!